Friday, July 24, 2015

Another hidden treasure

As I already mentioned in my previous posts, discovering local beautiful places became a real passion. And this time we hit Baakline! This region is known for its river but the place we found included a lake with waterfalls. 

Of course I was amazed by the view but I didn’t realize its true beauty until I got in the water and "experienced the beauty". I know the expression is weird but this is what I really felt. My perception of nature changed in the water because I could smell and feel the lack with my other senses. Watching the waterfalls and feeling them on your head is completely different. Although the water was super cold, and when I say super cold trust me I am not exaggerating, I could feel my blood freezing, the experience overall was very nice and refreshing. Actually after a minute in the water, your body gets used to the temperature so you tend to forget the cold. 

As for the food, well as much as I like to talk about food there isn’t really something to say because we only got chips and small snacks. The other people around us brought their barbecues and we had to smell the grills without eating (hard thing to do when you're in the middle of no where with no real food). 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Inspiration and encouragements // Mood

This post is not about style, food or tourism, it's just some thoughts that I wanted to share with you; and of course feel free to comment and express your feelings too. In the fashion industry, like in all kind of industries, it is really hard to accomplish ambitious goals and succeed like we expected. 

I keep thinking about the relation between passion, efforts and successful people; like for example small designers who became legends or young bloggers who ended up being a source of inspiration for many. This whole subject intrigues me a lot; I keep asking myself a hundred of questions and wonder how to achieve my own goals in life. After many analysis, I think the first step is knowing exactly what we want, in other words, defining our exact objectives. Once you set your goals, you can start fighting and trying your best to achieve them. This whole procedure needs a lot of optimism and ambitious, but most of all, passion. Personally, I think every single person has a specific passion in life, but not everyone is aware of it. So I really encourage all of you to embrace and experience your small interests in life to discover your real passion, the one you are ready to die for. Success needs passion. 

And after this important step including the specific definition of your goals, you can start planning the strategies to overcome the obstacles. And as I said, you need to stay optimist and ambitious, and persevere until you get what you want. It is very important to always stay positive and enjoy your hard work. Fighting for something that we don't truly want is useless and tiring, but struggling for something we love is a source of happiness. 

And in whatever you do, whatever steps and struggles you are going through, there are always going to be things or persons who will try to take you down for many reasons. Haters are good sign, it means that you are doing something strong, powerful and scary. Failure is also good sign because it helps you get back on the right road. 

And if you are interested in fashion and you know that you are passionate about it, don't be discouraged by people who pretend to be superior and make you feel like you need more work and you're not ready. Fashion in particularly is a freestyle wonderland where every passionate creature can freely express itself. 

You need to believe in yourselves and be confident because every single person of you is special and fabulous; you just need to find the light to take you to your 'home'.