Thursday, November 19, 2015

Virtual Life: OFF Real Life: ON

Going without technology for 48hrs
The first feeling I experienced after giving away my phone was freedom. I usually hold my phone in my hand, so the feeling of the wind on my hand was very weird. I started moving my arms back and forth as if they were attached my whole life and I was moving them for the first time. As I got in the car and faced the 5o’clock usual traffic, I thought I will not survive without music. I usually connect my phone to my car and listen to the music I download but this time I had to listen to imposed music from the radio. I know I was already cheating by listening to the radio but it was really impossible for me to stay calm and make it home without tearing my hair. Cars’ honking at the end of a long and tiring day is exhausting and my only way to stay calm and save energy is through music. The first night was not very difficult; I made some traditional telephone calls, had dinner with my mother and went to bed early. Wednesday morning, I went to the French embassy to ask a couple of questions about some papers. I waited in line for my turn and a few minutes after, a man came and stood behind me, also waiting for his turn. Instead of looking on my non-existent phone, I started looking at catalogues and brochures displayed on a table besides me. Honestly, I acted as if I was reading them just to avoid the man’s eyes. At this moment, I felt really bad, not because I had difficulties avoiding the man’s eyes, but because I realized how insecure and awkward I can be.
As for the rest of the time left, I enjoyed the company of some friends and had lovely conversations. I felt frustrated sometimes when I could not take pictures of beautiful things and post them on Snapchat or Instragram. Thursday night I even felt lost and bored so I went to bed early and slept better.
This experience was challenging and rich at the same time. Nowadays, having a smart phone is a fulltime job and I realized I need to control this job and not let it invade my whole life. During 48hours, I thought about life in a different way and had a different perception on important issues such as relationships between people. It made me realize that letters and emoticons do not represent our feelings and emotions and we should not give them importance and base our judgments on them. It also made me think of older generations and how they lived waiting for precious live interactions. Today, we do not value face to face interactions anymore. I truly encourage all of you to do turn off your virtual world and turn on the real life.