Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dresses aren't dead

Wearing dresses in winter is not very common, at least in Lebanon. People rather wear pants and pullovers perhaps because it's more practical and easier. But personally I think there is nothing more stylish and feminine than wearing a dress in cold days. There are two types of dresses that you can wear in winter:

The typical winter dress:
By typical winter dress, I mean an adequate winter item in wool for example with long sleeves... These kind of dresses alone aren't really interesting because they don't usually value the body of the woman (no shapes). This is why the accessories here are very important. For the shoes, ankle-boots can give a stylish casual rebel-ish look for everyday. And for a more dressy look, you can wear high-heels, it breaks the casual style (but still you cannot wear this kind of dress in formal events for example) . You can match any kind of bag but I suggest backpacks, very trendy this season and I love them with dresses. And for the rest of the accessories, don't hesitate to wear sun-glasses, thick scarfs or leather gloves for example. You can also match beanies or wool hats of course.

The new winter dress:
Today most stores present "summer" dresses all year long. You can easily find strapless short dresses in the middle of winter but it's not a problem because you can style them for a cold season. What I recommend with this kind of dresses is long coats. If you have a black short dress, you have to match it with a colorful coat and the other way around. I love the way colorful coats bring a brightness and stylish touch to the dress. Don't hesitate to buy green, yellow or orange coats! Of course you have to wear opaque tights (not flesh colour tights) and the good thing here is that you can wear the same outfit (with different accessories) for casual and formal events. For an everyday look, I suggest boots or platforms with a cool backpack for example and a beanie. And for formal events, sexy heels are required of course, with a beautiful wool hat. Add jewelries and elegant lace gloves for example.

As I already said, dresses in winter are feminine, elegant and sexy. You can play with the accessories and the colors but make sure you are matching opaque tights and not flesh color. Honestly I find it much easier than matching pants, tops and sweaters!
You can of course ask me where to find the items above. 

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