Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Letter to Santa?

What is Christmas really about?

Besides religion and Christian believes, Christmas is after all an international holiday and everyone celebrates it by offering gifts, spending time with beloved ones over dinner etc. This year, my country, Lebanon, has invested a lot in Christmas decorations including fancy lights on the roads, giant Christmas trees, food trucks reuniting friends and families and a lot of other events. This whole Christmas spirit made me realize something simple: Christmas is about family, but family does not mean related by blood, it means related by heart. The purpose of Christmas is reuniting people. Whether you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or belongs to any other religion, whether you are black, white, yellow, red or any other possible colors, whether you have a family or not, whether you like your family or not, you should celebrate love with the people you appreciate the most. The world is full of environmental, political and social problems. Humans need love and peace at least once a year, during Christmas time under gigantic Christmas lights and happy colors. You have the possibility to choose your family.
Do not let anything take that love away from you. Even if you recently went through difficult and terrible issues, begin a new year, open a new page, start a new chapter with the Christmas spirit. Life is short, very short, Christmas is only once a year, do not let it go. Embrace it, enjoy it and share it with the people you love, with your own definition of family.

With love, fashiongourmande.

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